Of course there is no chance of terrorists to listen to Sufi voices. Why?
Before we take up the story of love and hate between human beings, we have to understand the concern of Sufis for intra-Muslim global terrorism; not for the other type of western terrorism against Islamic countries. Let us be more elaborate about these contrast groups of Muslims in the scene. The first Sufi group is the largest group famously called as Ahle Sunnat wal Jamaat is fourteen hundred years old; while the second group known as Wahhabi/Salafi/Deobandi group, is two hundred and fifty years old.
To trace back the history of a Wahhabi’s psychology this is important to remember that after Allah ordered Iblis to prostrate before Adam, the psyche nafs of Iblis spontaneously overpowered him, he refused the order. This Quranic piece of history of Adam-Iblis emphasises that, to Allah the second next important thing after monotheism Tawheed was this exalt to Adam, the father of all the Prophets.
Monotheism is the nucleus of Islam. This is ancient and perpetual and is a vital ingredient of all sects, including Ahle Sunnat wal Jamaat. But in the name of uncalled for protection of monotheism, the Wahhabi Movement’s lethal weapon is ‘Iblis-brand monotheism’, meaning thereby that they will worship only one Allah and will exalt only one Allah, not to anybody else. Even if Shariat demands exaltation to a non-God entity, they are quick to disregard and disrespect it. This is the hallmark feature of Wahhabism. Their favourite charm is to reduce a great Islamic personality to minor one, as per their psyche. To cover up their own mischief, they exhibit manoeuvres and display attractive postures.
To protect the satanic monotheism uniquely, the Wahhabi Movement has deliberately undone twelve Islamic exalt-seeking beliefs about Prophet Muhammad. They pretend to label them as ‘God-competitor-beliefs’ and tend to make Prophet’s position as controversial and weaker, so that they could take political advantages out of Muslim community.
The Movement’s prejudice with Muslim Sufi pirs, awliya-e-kamileen, is due to the fact that this pir group does not only believe and recognise the exalt-seeking elite beliefs about Prophet Muhammad, but it has huge support of Sufi disciples who hate Wahhabi Movement and pose threat to them politically and try to prevent Sufi world conversion to Wahhabi world.
The day when a seed of Iblis-brand Tawheed plant was sown in the field of earth, strong indication was that, one day, it will grow into a big tree and shall disperse its seeds across Islamic territories through the strong wind of change, shall vitiate and pollute the atmosphere. Colossal sum of Petro-Zakwat and Petro-gifts and huge efforts paved the way for the Movement to grow by mixing lie perfectly with the truth.
In Islamic religion, Prophet Muhammad is supreme judicial authority, as Quran, Hadith and practises of companions witness and Ahle Sunnat wal Jamaat believe. Meaning, thereby that a situation demanding legal remedy has to be referred to Prophet’s judicial exercises and fique. But the founder of Wahhabism Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab of Najd had rejected this fact and blamed this as an idolatry and God-competitor one. Through his fatwa and writings, Muhammad, the founder of Wahhabism made this special power of Prophet as generalised to every follower scholar, and made the Movement more dangerous and violent, as we see in newspaper report that appear in ‘Sunday Times of India Delhi/Agra December 27, 2015 edition:
“Washington. Islamic state has sanctioned the harvesting of human organs in a previously undisclosed ruling by the group’s Islamic scholars, raising concerns that the extremist group may be trafficking in body parts. The ruling contained in a January 31, 2015 document, says taking organ from a living captive to save a Muslim’s life, even if it is fatal for the captive, is permissible. “The apostate’s life and organ don’t Have to be respected and may be taken with impurity”, says the document, which is in the form of a fatwa, or religious ruling from the IS’s research and fatwa committee. “Organs that end the captive’s life if removed; the removal of that type is also not prohibited”, Fatwa Number 68 says, according to US government translation.”
Times Of India 20th Jan 2016 under the news item 'IS brainwashing children to murder their own parents' reports : ”Nasir's ordeal was revealed as it emerged a notorious 20-year-old IS militant named Al Saqr al Qasem publicly executed his own mother after accusing her of apostasy. The activist group Raqqa is being slaughtered silently said 20-year-old jihadi Ali Saqra al Qaseem shot his mother Lena 45, in the head with assault rifle in front of a large crowd.”
The founder of Wahhabism was not less than an IS terrorist. He terrorised his father Mavlana Abdul Wahhab and brother Mavlana Sulaiman bin Abdul Wahhab on apostasy charges, making them fled away and brother writing a booklet 'Assawaequl Ilahiyah fi Radde Alal Wahhabiya' against Muhammad. Muhammad with his accomplices killed civilians levelling same charges.
The founder of Wahhabism was not less than an IS terrorist. He terrorised his father Mavlana Abdul Wahhab and brother Mavlana Sulaiman bin Abdul Wahhab on apostasy charges, making them fled away and brother writing a booklet 'Assawaequl Ilahiyah fi Radde Alal Wahhabiya' against Muhammad. Muhammad with his accomplices killed civilians levelling same charges.
Stephen Schwartz, the author of ‘The two faces of Islam The House of Saud from Tradition to Terror’, has implied in the book: ‘As we will see a wholesale purge of the Prophet’s personality from Islamic religion has been essential goal of the ‘end time’ cult of Wahhabism, which has made a serious attempt to reshape Islam in its intolerant image’ (page 9 published by Doubleday, New York).
As a Hadith says that after spending some time in hell, Iblis shall be told that Allah will forgive you if you can prostrate before Adam. Hearing this suggestion, he will start fuming and shall deny to do this. The Hadith suggests that Wahhabis/Salafis/Deobandis can never leave Iblis-brand of monotheism.
Of course there is no chance of terrorists to listen to Sufi voices.
Sufis and their disciples can terminate terrorism gradually by delivering thoughts and preaching of senior Sufis to the different segments of society. The exercise should be guarded and be ensured not be wasted on the persons who do not fit into the scene. This is likely to produce a good crop, after some time, to replace losses.
General principles of Sufism:
The great Sufi poet Mavlana Rumi writes:
As much as you will keep yourself busy with your works
So much so you will keep yourself away from spirituality
Until you will not remember him
So long as his door shall remain close for you
For the welfare of the society and individual, Allah has given two forms of orders: one for the body and frame; the other for the heart and soul. They are further subdivided into prohibitions and commands. Commands for the body are: prayer namaz, annual fast roza, religious tax zakwat and pilgrimage haj. Prohibitions for the body are killing, drinking, illicit physical relationship and theft.
Commands for the heart are: believing core Islamic beliefs and beliefs of Ahle Sunnat wal Jamaat, sincerity, repentance, trust, thanksgiving to Allah, agreeing with Allah’s will; while prohibitions to heart are: indulgence in idolatry, apostasy, boasting, malice, grudge, selfishness and hypocrisy.
In order to get fruits of salvation, reformation and obedience of both body and heart is mandatory according to shariat laws. This is to be noted that commands and prohibitions related to heart are more scoring and have more chances of acceptance. Prophet Muhammad said: “Undoubtedly there is a part within human body, if this is correct, then the whole body is correct if it gets disordered then whole body is disordered. Beware this part is heart.” Within the body this part is the subject of Allah’s attention too. Prophet Muhammad said: “Allah does not pay his attention to your body or face; but he does pay at your heart.” This shows the importance of heart as an organ subjected to commands and prohibitions. Moreover, the significance of these heart related diseases is that, contrary to body disorders, the diseases of heart are small and subdued and hardly could be noticed. Therefore, purification of heart along with purification of manners can make one able to recognise the disorders of heart. Adopting this method, dangers and evil suggestions to heart could also be kept at bay, then commands related to heart are obeyed with good precision. The lord of the universe says in Quran: “The successful shall be one who purifies his psyche nafs” (Surah Shams-9). That is why this art of purification of human heart and manners is called Sufism tasawwuf. Sufism can serve an example to intern-Sufis and the Sufi disciples to make their future a success.
The definition of Sufism: Sufi Shaykh Abdul Qadir of Baghdad has given Sufism, a comprehensive definition: “To keep the heart away from all types of filth and to keep the heart away from the intervention of Allah’s enemy Iblis and decorating it with the traditions and manners of Allah’s friend Prophet Muhammad is called Sufism.”
The scholars know that the ingredients of Sufism are the same which Prophet Muhammad tutored gradually to his companions and like other departments of religion, the central figure for purification and Sufism-tutoring is also the Prophet. And finally Allah has declared Prophet Mohammad as the ‘chief purpose’ to send him on earth to tutor purification to human beings, as Allah says in Surah Aale Imran-164.
While teaching his companions, Prophet Muhammad once tutored them: “If you pray so much, that makes you bend like a bow; and keep on fasting so much that makes you as thin as a bow string, they will never serve you until you purify yourselves.” Once he said to his disciple companion Abu Hurayra: “Oh Abu Hurayra! Keep abstinence, you will be a big worshipper.”
Ingredients of Sufism: The ingredients are company (Prophet’s company to his disciple companions, pir’s company to disciple murids), oath taking bayet (companion’s oath taking with Prophet; disciple murid’s oath taking with Sufi pir), contention with Satan and own psyche nafs, remembrance to Allah, assembly (dhikra circle), repentance, checking self account, fear with Allah, optimism with Allah’s bounties, sincerity, intimacy with Allah, submission to the will of Allah, abstinence, continence and thanksgiving to Allah are the ingredients of the tutorials, Prophet Muhammad gave to his disciple companions Sehaba-e-Karam as evident from various Hadith books.
The same are the ingredients of Sufi pirs’ lessons to their disciple murids.
Sufis and Jihad: Sufis call jihad an Islamic duty, as what Prophet Muhammad himself really meant. Sufi Ghazali writes in his famous ‘Revelation of Heart Makashifat-ul-Qulub’: “Once Prophet Muhammad addressed his companions, who were returning from a military jihad:”Welcome! Now you have turned up from minor jihad to a major one.” They asked: “Oh Prophet of Allah, what is a major jihad?” Prophet answered: “Jihad with your inner selves is a major jihad.” ”
Great Sufi pir Shaykh Abdul Qadir of Baghdad in his book ‘Victory of God Alfatah ur Rabbani’ writes: “Oh slave! Make yourself busy with reform of inner self, when there is threat to integrity. You have no right to reform your family, neighbours, fellows of your city and country at this stage. When you have achieved this, first turn to reform up your family and then to other persons, but not until you put on armour of fear to Allah, put on helmet of faith on top of your heart, take the sword of monotheism in hand, pick up arrows of acceptance of prayer and put them in your quiver, ride on speeding horse with divine guidance, learn to achieve perfection with the usage of sword and spear and then take on the enemy of Allah. Then you will receive Allah’s help from six sides, you will get the humans released from the hands of Satan and send them to the doors of Allah’s court.”
Which is Sufi’s sect maslak?: Companion Abdullah Ibne Umar presents: Explaining to us the Quranic verse ‘youma tabyaddu wujuhu wa taswaddu wujuhun’ Prophet Muhammad described: “Tabyaddu wujuhun ahlus sunnate wa taswaddu wujuhun ahlul bida” On the day of judgement the faces of Ahle Sunnat will be shining and the faces of heretics shall be dark: (Tafsir Durre Mansur vol 1 part 2 page 63, Tafsir Qartabi vol 11 part 4 page 167). Another companion Abu Saeed Khudri says Prophet recited (above mentioned) Quranic verse and explained: “Ahle Sunnat wal Jamaat faces will be shining and the faces of heretics and psyche nafs followers shall be dark.” (Durre Mansur vol 1 part 2 page 63). Companion Abdullah Ibne Abbas has described the meaning of the verse: “The faces of Ahle Sunnat wal Jamaat will be white and shining and the faces of heretics and astrayed sects shall be dark” (Tafsir Durre Mansur vol 1 page 63, Tafsir Qartabi vol 11 page 167, Ibne Kasir vol 1 page 584).
Ibne Taymeyah describes in his book ‘Minhaj us Sunnah’ vol 1 page 206: “Ahle Sunnat wal Jamaat is an ancient and well known sect. This sect is older than the birth of Abu Hanifa, Malik, Shafei and Ahmad; this is school of thought of Prophet’s companions. They have taken this faith/belief mazhab from their Prophet. Any person going against this shall be held heretic according to Ahle Sunnat wal Jamaat.” Therefore, the Sufi sect/maslak/school of thought is Ahle Sunnat wal Jamaat.
Preventive Measures to Terminate Global Terrorism:
1. Sufi thoughts and preaching have always been endorsed by Muslim rulers, elites as well as masses across the world, since inception of Sufism, second century onwards. In India’s medieval and modern history background, there has been always a Sufi personality shadowing a Muslim king or emperor, right from Muhammad Ghauri till last Mughal king Bahadur Shah, supervising their policies, works and strategic feats. Sufis have always blessed them with a tongue always busy with Allah’s remembrance, and their hearts always filled with sincerity, fear, repentance, thanksgiving, trust and agreeing with Allah’s will. Moreover, Sufi mechanism was working because they loved Allah and Allah loved them. The current Sufi voices shall be accepted, only when they follow the footprints of their preceding generations and maintain their own study level high.
2. Sufis have always been a guiding force in making alike tatbiq between the verses of Quran with that of Hadith. Ghazali, Rumi, Sadi, Nizamuddin and Amir Khusru are the best examples who are still remembered for their wisdom and teachings.
3. Wholesale promotion of Ahle Sunnat wal Jamaat beliefs with new face look to 12 exalt-seeking beliefs on Prophet Muhammad with clear distinction between rights of Allah and rights of Prophet Muhammad to every individual of all ages.
4. As opposed to traditional Islam, focus has shifted from Sufism tasawwuf to fiqh and jurisprudence. Islam needs rejuvenation where law is again reconciled with spirituality and justice tempered with compassion. Great Sufi Data Ganj Bukhsh Lahori wrote in Kashful Majub :"Shariat that does not go with tasawwuf is pretence; tasawwuf without discipline of shariat is hypocrisy."
5. Evils of Iblis brand monotheism should also be discussed at large.
6. Good finances and wide contacts with riches and distinguished personalities from all the fields will serve like a strong spinal column for Ahle Sunnat wal Jamaat movement.
7. Influx of books and magazines among youths, specially, aimed to love Sufis, their influences and new researches on them. A newspaper owned by Ahle Sunnat wal Jamaat should be started.
8. Formation of research organisations on selected Sufi work, Sufi poetry and current applications. Formation of Tablighi Jamaat type international organisation.
9. Sufis should encourage young disciples to take part in procession Julus-e-Nabvi on Prophet’s birthday.
10. Formation of legal body to protect and restore Ahle Sunnat wal Jamaat wakf properties and their mosques.
11. Formation of Imam Body to control Imam appointments, movements and redressal of their grievances.
12. All killings, sufferings, illnesses, mass exodus, malnourishment of children and loss of kith and kin in Syria and Iraq, must go on one shoulder i.e. satanic monotheism. This fact should be highlighted continuously through various means.
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