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Q. Do Sufis have belief-link with Prophet Mohammad?
Sufis are special persons among the community of Traditionist Muslims i.e. the largest sect of Muslims worldwide. They are always historically well connected with their predecessors and successors through proper records of will documents, tracing Sufis back to finally connect with Caliph Abu Bakr Siddique or Caliph Ali, the two spiritual successors of Prophet Mohammad.
As per Islamic belief and practice, Prophet Mohammad is the final spiritual and legislative authority connecting humans to God. Therefore, every Sufi has a mandatory oath of allegiance to Prophet at the occasion of taking charge of his office. Furthermore, Quran says that one night, Allah called upon His dearest Prophet in His court, met him and sent him back to his house, the same night. Therefore, Prophet Mohammad is the one and the only person amongst all created-beings including great angels, to ‘see Allah through his own eyes’, as he himself has described.
Among the present day Sufis of India, Quadri order Sufi Professor Syed Mohammad Amin Mian of Marehra is 45th in succession after Caliph Ali and Chishti order Sufi Syed Babar Ashraf of Kichocha ranks 40th.
Q. What is the chief source of guidance for militant organizations?
Before sending to the military training, Al-Qaida and Taliban militants are first educated with neo-Islamic beliefs by the scholar’s wing, for example, by the Scholars of Salafi or Deobandi scholars, respectively.
Q. What is the difference between Sufi and militants beliefs?
Islam, Christianity and Judaism are belief bound religions, based on their heavenly books. Islamic (Sufi) beliefs are like cool and soothing breeze while current neo-Islamic (militants) beliefs end up in New York twin-tower horror or self blowing off terror blast reported on Sufi shrines or packed market. Barring Essential Islamic Beliefs (EIB), Islamic Beliefs (IB) were actually established through consensus is post-Prophetic era, called the era of goodness Khair-ul-Quroon. IB were derived from the holy verses of Quran and Hadis (Prophet’s speech) by the companions of Prophet Mohammad themselves. Therefore, the companion’s original and pure beliefs were copied down in books passing century to century manifested as pan geographical faiths to finally reach to the community of the Traditionist Ahle-Sunnat wal-jamat Muslims, today. On the other hand, neo-Islamic doctrines of militant organizations are not heavenly revelation based, but attractive manipulations suiting to their ideology.
Q. Whom militants make their choice target object and why?
Sufis, their Muslim followers and all non-Muslims are militant’s targets, as they call them as idolater or polytheist Mushrik. They anticipate actual threat from ‘Sufi-idolaters’ against spreading and legitimizing Wahhabi brand of Islam in a non-Muslim or a Muslim country. Shia Muslims are also subjected to militant’s wrath.
Q. What is the meaning of Jihad for Sufis?
Sufis call a jihad an Islamic duty, as what Prophet Mohammad himself really meant.
A great fourth century Arabian Sufi Ghazali writes in his famous book ‘Revelation of Heart Makashifat-ul-Qulub’: ‘once Prophet Mohammad addressed his companions, who were returning from a military jihad: ‘Welcome! Now you have turned up from minor jihad to a major one’. They asked: ‘Oh prophet of Allah! What is a major jihad?’ The Prophet answered back: ‘Jihad with your inner-selves is a major jihad.’
The greatest ever Sufi and scholar jurist Syed Abdul Qadir Geelani of Baghdad writes in Victory of God Alfatah-ur-Rabbani: ‘Oh slave! Make yourself busy with reform of inner self when there is threat to integrity. You have no right to reform your family, neighbours, fellows of your city and the country at this stage. When you achieve this, first turn to reform up your family and then to other persons, but not until you put on armour of fear of Allah, helmet of faith on the head of your heart, the sword of monotheism in hands and pick up the arrows of acceptance of prayer in your quiver and ride on speeding horse with a divine guidance and learn to get perfections with the usage of sword and spear and take on the enemy of Allah. Then you will receive Allah’s help from six sides and you will get the men released from the hands of Satan and send them to the doors of the court of Allah.’
Q. Why Sufis are the biggest hurdle for terrorists worldwide?
Sufis have large following. The faiths and practices of Sufism have always been endorsed worldwide by Islamic scholars; while these are now being targeted by terrorists and their guru Wahhabi scholars under the false charges of polytheism. Sufi faiths for Prophet Mohammad are the original faiths and Sufi practices are good Islamic innovations prevalent worldwide for more than thousand years. Visiting Sufi shrines and tombs are visible signs of connectivity with past Islamic eras.
Sufis are determined to retain Prophet Mohammad as a central legislative authority for the solution of their problems being confronted today and in future as well; On the other hand, terrorists tend to eliminate him altogether from Islam for legislative purposes and want to replace Prophet Mohammad’s central and the only one-person-legislative-position (as the deputy of Allah) with their Shura-council to direct and control the whole Muslim world.
In order to exercise and enforce this, they have developed some neo-Islamic beliefs as anchor-support, which have absolutely been rejected and resisted by Sufi community throughout the Islamic world.
Q. Does an Indian Salafi or Deobandi student love Al-Qaida or Taliban?
Yes, if you are a friend of him and ask him this question, he will answer: ‘Oh yes! They are protecting Islam, I love them.’ We have thousands of young boys in every city of India who love terrorists because their parents are following Salafi or Deobandi School. The famous proverb ‘terrorists bear no religion’ is now beaten by the new one ‘terrorists have Wahhabi religion.’
Q. Did Prophet Mohammad permit anybody to kill Muslim in war or piece? Ordered to kill a disbeliever not engaged in war?
In Islamic history books, one is unable to find a single piece of evidence, Prophet permitting anybody to kill a Muslim in war or in piece.
Abusing Muslim is a sin and killing him is infidelity Kufr for someone who believes it is permitted in Islam.
Inviting Bani Jazima tribe for Islam during war, what Khalid bin Walid, a companion of Prophet spoke or did with them, is enough to take a lesion: When Khalid got close with the tribe he asked them: Who are you, a Muslim or disbeliever? They answered: we are Muslims, perform prayers, testify Prophet Mohammad, have Mosques, where we give a call for prayer.
But they failed to project what they really meant, they failed to explain that they had accepted Islam instead they said that they had changes their religion. Khalid asked back: Why are you taking arms with you? They replied that they had enmity with some Arab tribals. They sensed a danger assuming them to belong to the same, that is why they were armed. Khalid ordered them to disarm, they obeyed him. He ordered his men to take them into custody and to kill them the next morning. This was a decision taken in hurry. When this news broke to Prophet, he prayed twice addressing Allah: Oh Allah! I express my acquittal in Thy court for what Khalid had done.
An other companion of The Prophet, Osama bin Zaid has been reported to describe in famous Hadis book Bukhari: ‘Prophet of Allah ordered us to march for Harqa, we reached there in morning and defeated them all. I and another companion followed an enemy, when we overpowered him he uttered: ‘There is no God but Allah’. The companion stopped but I killed him with a spear. On reporting back to Prophet, he reacted painfully: Oh Osama! Why did you kill him after he testified that there is no God but Allah? I answered ‘Oh Prophet of Allah! He was uttering so for reason to save his life’. The Prophet kept on repeating this. I wished I would not accept Islam until this moment passed away’.
Another report says that the Prophet of Allah told: ‘Why did not you open his heart to know he was truthful or lying?’ Osama bin Zaid concluded: ‘I shall never kill a person who testifies there is no God but Allah.’
Killing disbeliever Kafir, except in war, is condemnable act, and is put in class of ‘worst forbidden acts’ and the killer if be a Muslim shall have to give full compensation asked by the next of the kin of the murdered person.
Q. Who is the role model for terrorists?
Every Muslim has a deep desire to follow ‘true’ Islam. A few of them have a privilege to get it from books themselves, but still millions stay away from the books to learn by listening. An estranged Islamic scholar Mohammad bin Abdul Wahhab (1699-1792) of Najd province of Arab was first to misuse the situation. He picked up some texts of Quran and speeches of Prophet to blend and churn them to his own meanings and interpretations and serve them to common Muslims in the name of pure Islamic rules and faiths. Initially he did this in Najd province, which is far away from Mecca and Medina. When followers swelled to great number, he legitimized and imposed Wahhabi beliefs on every citizen, where disobeying resulted in tortures and murders. For this he made an accord with a local ruler Mohammad bin Saud with a dream to lay foundation of a new Arab country based on Wahhabi-Islamic constitution which finally came into full existence, after series of wins and defeats in 1934 to be renamed after the ruler as Saudi Arabia.
Mohammad bin Abdul Wahhab was just an ordinary scholar like thousands of contemporary fellows, if he would not dare to form and introduce new rules and beliefs in the name of Islam, who knew who he was.
After two centuries, he has become a role model for Al-Qaida and Taliban fighters to bring belief-changes in Sufi-beliefs-dominating-countries like Afghanistan and Pakistan with the help of methods as Mohammad bin Abdul Wahhab and Mohammad bin Saud’s duo adopted.
Q. What are the sources of money for militant organizations?
According to WikiLeaks, main militant organizations Lashkar, Taliban, Al-Qaida and Hamas main financial source is Saudi Arabia. Besides this, Qatar, Kuwait and U.A.E. Sheikhs also assist in providing money to militant organizations.
Taliban’s other financial sources are cultivation of Opium, drug-smuggling and kidnapping also.
Q. Do militants have social organizations?
Yes, Tablighi Jamat is a huge social organization sharing Taliban’s Deoband school of thought, likewise Jamiat-ul Ahle Hadis is another big social organization sharing Al-Qaida’s Salafi School, with their key books Fatawa Rashidiya and Taqviat-ul-Iman respectively. Both subscribe to faiths and ideology of the estranged scholar Mohammad bin Abdul Wahhab Najdi, recognize and recommend his militancy manual The book of Monothiesm Kitab-ul Tauheed. So they tend to be natural sympathizer and partners in rousting out Sufism from the global map, since both of these social organizations have strong International network and clout. In India and Pakistan they have their political parties and MPs in Parliament.
Q. Can Shura council overrule Prophet Muhammad?
Q. Can Shura council overrule Prophet Muhammad?
In Islamic constitution prophet Muhammad wields a top and solo-judicial status encompassing every situation in war or peace, in every tense. But wahabi Islam denies this in some situations and now tends to overrule the prophet’s orders by their shura council for example killing non-Muslims except in war and legitimizing suicides are strictly forbidden as per prophet’s order but terrorists have been trained to do these acts. As the 18th Century wahabi bible Taqviyat-ul-Iman fortifying faiths describes it: ‘Muhammad and Ali (Shias next) don’t possess any judicial status.’ This book enjoys religious status next to holy Quran for every devout wahabi and Deobandi after a fatwa issued by Darul-Uloom Deoband’s co-founder Maulana Rashid Ahmad Gangohi in his book Fatawa Rashidia Kamil published from Delhi . This depicts that Wahabis and Deobandis are hand-in-hand position right from the beginning.
Q. If Deoband has sufi followance?
Maulana Rashid Ahmad Gangohi was among a few greats who established Deoband. In his Fatwa book Fatawa Rashidia, for a question whether to follow the founder of wahabism, Abdul wahab Najdi or not, answered that everybody should follow him because only wahabi Islam is the correct one.
Conclusion and Humble Request:
Will the government of India, opposition in Parliament, political parties, judiciary and press come forward to save India and Sufis from impending perils of this typically faith-linked terrorism furtively loved by every Salafi and Deobandi citizen of India for they label every Indian as polytheist except themselves--what a tricky ruse to rule the countries in the name of Islam.